Monday 2 July 2012

Dead Worried!

Title:  Dead Worried!

Author:  Moya Simons
Genre:  Realistic Fiction
Reading Age:  10 years
ISBN: 1-86291-285-8

Danny Thompson is dead average but has heaps of funny stories about his classmates, teachers and baby sister.  He helps nearly deliver his teacher' s baby, manages to cheer up a friend who has to wear glasses, after she saved someone from having their brains splattered over the playground by a falling roof tile.

Danny's next challenge is to organize the haunting of a friend's house.  Desperately trying to be a hero, Danny knocks his old neighbour over in the middle of traffic, accuses someone in the bank of being a robber and calls the police on people rehearsing a play.  He did manages to rescue the neighbour's teddy from a grumpy cat - so that's a start.  

Check out all the other adventures Danny Thompson gets up to.

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